I like your guy's games. Perfect for NG.
Yes this is the real Adult Swim.
Atlanta, GA
Joined on 2/18/04
I like your guy's games. Perfect for NG.
So, wait... are you going to posting all your games here and keeping us up to date with your website, or leaving us with year old games and waiting for the next one to come of age to post here
"Yes this is the real Adult Swim'
Now leave...-_-
Dude! You guys better put Pizza City on! That game rocks!
yo! adult swim.. u see... i'm latino.. and cartoonnetworkLA does not shows your program anymore... can u tell me why?
sweet adult swim comes to newgrounds XD i love your watching you at 11 pm your the freaking man adult swim XD and are you going to do flash movies or just your website's games?
ATHF second best show in my opinion love you guys
Yay! AS on NG! lol, watching yous right now... well your program.
why has your website blocked me from it? now i cant play the great games you have....
HOLY CRAP adultswim finally oh are you gonna put all your other games on newgrounds
You guys really have to take Tim and Eric out of your block, the show gets tedious and boring way too quick, not to mention they spawned the abomonation that is "Tom goes to the mayor"
Seriously, DO IT FAGGOTS!!!!!
I agree with scizor300 tim & eric is gay
Omg you should totally check out my series and sponsor me cause I bet you could.
Hey, you guys ever gonna put up the other awesome games here? Like Orphan feast, Pizza city, Meowcenaries, Bible fight, etc etc?
more AS games, please!!!!
hey adultswim
why do fanboys write in about a lack anime soo often? your programs milked every drop of anime that wasn't considered pornography!
when will people realize that anime was only good in 1995-2006???
play more aqua teen....
some of your other filler shows..... ugh.....
i mean minoriteam was ok for a while, but then it just became plain annoying...
Hmm I can already predict the reaction's you'll be getting"OMG OMG OMG ITS ADALT SWAM OMG I LOVE YOU GUYS ZOMG I WANT 2 SPEIK TO YOU"(Most people will more then likely freak out,mis-spell,and type in caps rapidly).I have to ask:why did you guys pick now to join and show your games?Also I think you should move anime night to Friday and Saturday,becuase not to be rude;but most of your line up on Friday absolutely sucks.Different and new anime episodes on each night.2 more things....or one:Why did you guys cut off fooly cooly and wolf rain?Fooly Cooly pops up here and now on it,but for the most part you will barely see it on lately.And Wolf Rain was just getting started :/.Last episode I saw from wolf rain was;The wolf human was trying to save the boy but he fell becuase he saw that the wolf human was really a wolf biting his hand to try and pull him up.Hope you can get the full seasons back on :/